Friday, March 13, 2009

Who's Invited?!

It can be a very hard task when trying to decide who to invite on your big day. Well Luxurious Affairs has found an easier way to work on your guest list, which is by adding names in order of importance.

When in doubt, leave it out! Remember this is YOUR day and YOUR debt.

List 1:
· The bridal party
· Clergy/officiant (and spouse, if applicable)
· Parents and grandparents, step relatives, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, and first cousins

List 2: (Please notice that everything on this list begins with close)
· Close family friends of the bride and groom
· Close friends of the bride and groom
· Close business associates of the bride and groom
· Close business associates of the families

List 3:
· Extras: Extended relatives and other people that did not make the prior lists

*Additional Rule: Only invite people that you will be inviting to your wedding to share in your engagement party and/or bridal shower.


Anonymous said...

Looking at the list, It sounds pretty easy and straight forward. However, how do you address people from your congregation that know you for a long time? how do you go not to offend people who really apreciate you?

Luxurious Affairs said...

If they are considered to be close friends of yours then they will still fall under the second list.

Anonymous said...

Hi, It's me the anonymous again, It has been a while now.I hope all is well for you. According to your experience in this field, what should be the major contents of a list of things one should address for a wedding?

Anonymous said...

I have had brides with the same issue as the poster above. The solution is simple. If you grew up in the church or are a longstanding member you can do one of two things:

1. (Assuming you have not invited them and they are trying to invite themselves) tell them they are more than welcome to attend the ceremony. Due to budget constraints, venue size and costs they will not be able to attend the reception. And end the comment with this, "I hope you understand the situation".

2. You may opt for a 'cake and punch' church reception. A smaller no frills reception to host them and you ONLY serve cake and punch.

-a wedding planner's perspective